主要技术指标 |
Features and Benefits of the S3e Cell Sorter
·Hands-free nozzle tip alignment — features the fully automatic AutoGimbal? System, driven completely by software
·Simplified instrument setup — fully automated drop delay calculation, stream alignment, and droplet break-off monitoring enable precise 1–4 color sorting with minimal training
·Compact design — dimensions of only 70 × 65 × 65 cm (2.3 × 2.1 × 2.1 ft) including onboard fluidics and temperature control system
·2-way cell sorting — sort two different defined populations at the same time
·High speed and high purity — sort cells fast while maintaining high sensitivity and purity
·Intuitive interface — user-friendly ProSort? Software enables effortless instrument control and sort logic definition |
功能/应用范围 |
S3包含1或2个激光器及最多4个荧光检测器和2个散射光检测器。它还有着用户可更换的滤光片设计,以便优化滤光片和荧光染料的组合。市场上多种滤光片都能与S3兼容。仪器标配了488 nm 100 mW二极管泵浦固态激光器。荧光素(FITC)、绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)、藻红蛋白(PE)、碘化丙啶(PI)以及其他常用的荧光染料都可用此激发并检测。选配的561 nm 100 mW固态激光器适合红色荧光蛋白家族及其他荧光染料。可以进行流式细胞染色分析及细胞分选。 |
服务领域 |
,农/林/牧/渔,食品/烟草,医疗/卫生,生物/医药 |
技术特色 |